2025 Accepted Styles AMERICANAlbany Ale (Brewing Local) Kentucky Commons (BJCP 2021) Pennsylvania Swankey (Radical Brewing) PreProhibition Lager (BJCP 2021) PreProhibition Porter (BJCP 2021) BELGIANDiest (Zymurgy) Drijdraad (Lost Beers) Faro (Zymurgy) Grisette (Milk the Funk) Peeterman (Shut Up about Barclay Perkins) Seef (Lost Beers) CANADIANSpruce Beer (Working Draft Guidelines & Sample Recipes) CZECHPrague Beer (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) DANISHSkibsøl (Craft Beer and Brewing) DUTCHKoyt (BA 2022) Liege (Witte Klavier) ENGLISHLondon Brown Ale (BJCP 2021) 1609 Lobel’s Meth (Mystery of Mead) 1660 Lemon Rosemary (Mystery of Mead) ESTONIANSeto Koduõlu (Historical Brewing Techniques) ETHIOPIANTella (NIH) FINNISHKoduõlu (Historical Brewing Techniques) Sahti (BJCP 2021) GERMANAdambier (BA 2023) Berliner Braunbier (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Broyhan (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Carinthian Stone Beer (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Dampfbier (Zymurgy) Franconian Rotbier (BA 2023) Fredersdorfer Bier (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Horner (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Kellerbier (BJCP 2021) Kotbusser (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Lichtenhainer (BJCP 2021) Mannheimer Braunbier (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Mersburger Bier (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Mumme (Historic German and Austrian Beers for the Home Brewer) Roggenbier (BJCP 2021) Schoeps (BA 2023) 1350 Wurtzburg Mead (Mystery of Mead) Zoiglbier (Zymurgy) LITHUANIAN Kaimiskas (Historical Brewing Techniques) Keptinis (Historical Brewing Techniques) NORWEGIANHallingdal (Historical Brewing Techniques) Heimabrygg (Historical Brewing Techniques) Kornøl (Historical Brewing Techniques) Størdalsøl (Historical Brewing Techniques) Telemark (Historical Brewing Techniques) POLISHPiwo Grodziskie (BJCP 2021) RUSSIANKvass (Zymurgy) Karamelnoe/Barkhatnoe (Zymurgy) SWEDISHGotlandsdricka (BA 2023)Suggest a Style for 2025 >